Paskevych Sergiy
The author of web-project “Chernobyl exclusion zone“

Work place – Institute of Safety Problem Nuclear Power Plant NAS Ukraine. Chernobyl town.
Contact email – redactor(dog)
Scientific activiy – Study of factors affecting the environment during the exploitation of the “Shelter” object. Investigation of practical aspects of elimination of consequences of Chernobyl accidental release at contaminated areas, problems of rehabilitation of contaminated areas. Development and practical using of agrochemical measures in agriculture. GIS-associated analyses and utilization of scientific results to practice.
Obtained scientific results represented current radiological state of ecosystems (1995-2004) of chernobyl exclusion zone. It results has been used for assessment of irradiation doses for hypothetical population in case of rehabilitation of the territory Chernobyl zone and re-evacuation of population.
Results – Author of 57 scientific publication.
Main publication of the Author:
- Paskevych S., Gorodecky D., Sizov A., Batiy V. Impact Assessment of Radiological Consequence of Technogenic Activities in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Proceedings “The International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity”. Bergen. Norway. 15-20 June, 2008. Oral and Oral Poster Presentation. Part 1. – P. 270-273.
- E.Schmieman, S. Paskevych, A.Sizov, V.Batiy Chernobyl’s waste site Nuclear Engineering International. Vol 52. № 631. 2007. -P. 18-22.
- . From Shelter to Confinement of the fourth block of Chernobyl NPP. Bild aspect Yu.I.Nemchinov, P.I.Krivosheev, M.V.Sidorenko. By redaction of P.I.Krivisheeva – Kiev: Logos, 2006, -463 P. (in Russian)
ISBN 966-581-827-9 - V.G.Batiy, S.A.Paskevich, V.M.Rudko, A.A.Sizov, V.N.Shcherbin MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF “SHELTER” OBJECT RELEASES IMPACTS Problems of atomic science and technology. Series “Nuclear Physics Investigations” (44). №5. 2004. 96-100 P. ISSN 1562-6016
- Arkhipov A.N., Ozornov A.G., Paskevych S.A. Biological accessibility of 137Cs and 90Srin soils of 30-km ChNPP zone. In collected articles: “Chernobyl-94″ Reports Of IV International Research Conference ” Results of 8 years work on elimination of consequences of damage on ChNPP. – Chernobyl 1996 v.1(in Russian).
- Arkhipov A.N., Paskevych S.A. 137Cs behaviour in the system soil-plant of meadow biocenosis of ChNPP exclusion zone. Problems of ecology prevention and management of dynamic natural- man-caused systems. Lviv. 1996 (in Russian).
- Arkhipov A.N., Ozornov A.G., Paskevych S.A., Pilipchuk T.V. Uptaking of 137Cs and 90Srwith plants depending on forms of fallouted radionuclides and their bechaviour in meadow cenosis. III congress by the radiation researches, Russia, Moscow, 15-17 10.97.1997 (in Russian).
- Arkhipov A.N., Paskevych S.A., Gorodetsky D.V., 137Cs accumulation decrease with plant by carrying mineral sorbents in soil in conditions of condensation-fuel radioactive pollution. III congress by the radiation researches, Russia, Moscow, 1997 (in Russian).
- Arkhipov A.N., Ozornov A.G., Paskevych S.A., Pilipchuk T.V. Uptaking of 137Cs and 90Srwith plants depending on forms of fallouted radionuclides and their bechaviour in meadow cenosis. III Congress by the radiation researches, Russia, Moscow, 15-17 10.97.1997 (in Russian).
- A.Arkhipov, N.Arkhipov, N.Kuchma, Yu.Ivanov, V.Nagorsky, S. Paskevych 1999. Use of GIS in the radioecological research of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Annales de l’Association belge de Radioprotection, 24